Current Title
The government guarantees the accuracy of every title under the Torrens System of Land Registration. Titles identify the current owner and show all outstanding registered interest in the land, such as mortgages, caveats easements and builders' liens. To obtain a title search, you must know the legal description, land identification number code, or the title number for the property you want to search. Title searches and copies of documents are available through our office.
Historical Site
If you want to know who owned the property before the current owners, you can request a historical search from our office. Several types of information may be required to locate a historical such as reference title numbers, the owner's name and a legal description. Some historical titles are available on the Alberta land titles automation system; some are still on microfilm or microfiche, depending on when the titles were cancelled.
Document Copies
Copies of all registered documents are available from one of the land titles offices located in Calgary and Edmonton. You must provide the document title to obtain the search; the document number can be found on the title if a current title search is obtained.
Survey Plan Copies
You can obtain prints of registered plans from one of the land title offices located in Calgary and Edmonton by quoting the plan number. Plan copies are available on paper, reproducible film or digital format, and you may also order prints of the registered plans through our office.